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Day Two: Journey to Jerusalem beings in Israel (January 31, 2012) JOY!

My first view of this beautiful country on the bus ride from the airport in Tel
Aviv.  We arrived at sunset and the clouds look like God's hand of blessing over us.   I feel the hand of God's blessing in so many ways and I just landed!

House of Simon the Tanner where Peter saw a vision to welcome Gentiles. It is the same
port where Jonah fled to Tarsus to avoid preaching to Gentiles. This is where my journey begins, a Gentile deeply loved by the great Hebrew God!

Door where Simon the Tanners home may have been

Day Two: Journey to Jerusalem beings in Israel (January 31, 2012) JOY!

My tears have turned to joy. Preparation for this pilgrimage included packing and shopping. The most important preparation I made was to open my soul.
The soul that has devoted itself to God journeys along a rarely traveled path that soars. The soul that loves God guides a person’s senses just like someone with sight will guide a friend who’s blind.
On this path of love the soul experiences true freedom because it lives without inner suffering. How so? Because the soul wants nothing but whatever it is the Lord wants.
The soul that has God as its best friend trusts God, because the soul knows that God always organizes everything for the best.
Mechthild of Magdeburg—The Flowing Light of the Godhead
My heart is wide to comprehend the depth and the width of God's love for me. My tears have turned to joy because I realize that God is my best friend and that I can trust Him completely.
Behold, I am near at hand to bless you, and I will surely give to you out of the abundance of heaven.
For My heart is open to your cry; yes, when you cry to Me in the night seasons ,I am alert to your call, and when you search after Me, the darkness will not hide My face; it will be as the stars which shine more brightly in the deep of night.
Even so it shall be. In the night of spiritual battle, there I shall give you fresh revelations of Myself, and you shall see Me more clearly than you could in the sunlight of ease and pleasure.
Man by nature chooses the day and shuns the night; but I say to you, I shall make your midnight a time of great rejoicing, and I will fill the dark hour with songs of praise. Yes, with David, you shall rise at midnight to sing. It has been written, “Joy comes in the morning,” but I will make your song break out in the night. For he who lifts the shout of faith and praise in the night, to him there shall be joy in the morning.
Frances J. Roberts, Come Away My Beloved
As an avid reader of the Bible, I have connected with the passion God has for the city of Jerusalem. During my preparation I would often tell people that I am going to Jerusalem. They would comment that I would be going to many other places in Israel as well. For me, my destination is Jerusalem. My spiritual mentor gave me the gift of a golden key to wear around my neck during my pilgrimage. She told me I have been given the Keys to the Kingdom in my call to walk where Jesus walked. I already feel His passion for the destination of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is important to understanding the humongous mystery of God’s love for this world and His work through Jesus Christ. The entire universe is God’s creation, and we human beings are vital to its existence and preservation. Jerusalem is strategic in God’s plan for this world. From the moment King David conquered the fortress city, it has taken on spiritual significance that brings souls to know God.
There was a man who wanted to go to Jerusalem. He had no idea how to get there. He asked someone he considered to be an authority.
“You can't get there without a lot of hard work. It is a dangerous trip. There are many roads you can take, but people are getting robbed and killed on them all the time. No one ever gets there. There is only one safe way to travel to Jerusalem.”
The would-be pilgrim was excited. “I don't care what troubles I suffer. Tell me the way. I will faithfully follow your instructions.”
“Here is the right road. Be sure to follow my directions. Don't let anything hinder you. Allow no pleasurable distractions. Keep moving. Think only that you want to be in Jerusalem. Consider nothing else. If you are beaten and robbed, scorned, and despised, do not fight back. Bear the pain and continue your journey. Don't listen to questions or attempt to answer them. If you are offered gifts, don't accept them. Always keep your mind on Jerusalem. If you do this, you will reach your goal.”
Jerusalem stands for the sight of Jesus, contemplation of the perfect love of God. If you are on your way to this Jerusalem, carry two things with you: Humility and love. Humility says, “I am nothing. I have nothing.” Love says, “I only desire one thing—Jesus.” These two strings make good harmony on the harp of the soul when they are plucked by the talented finger of reason. They resonate. The more you are humble, the more you love.
Walter Hilton: The Scale of Perfection. P. 370-371
So today I am here in Israel, but have not yet arrived at my destination. I am in Tel Aviv. Before landing here, I have only heard of this city as a major destination for travel to and from Israel. It isn't highlighted in the spiritual guides, but it important to the journey. I am pressing forward on my way to Jerusalem.

I'm holding the key I will wear every day of my pilgrimage.
Dr. Deborah Newman
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