There is nothing else in the world like the peace that only can be received from God. I have never known so much peace as I experience in the midst of my deepest suffering. God has asked me to trust in Him through some very unexpected and unwanted circumstances. Those who know me understand that my struggles might lead me to literally curl up in the fetal position in the back of my closet. I may sound dramatic, but it is what my flesh would want to do in response to my circumstances. God asks me to take a spiritual path and ignore the desires of my flesh. When I trust in Him, He offers me a peace that I wish I could bottle and share with others. The peace of God is offered to everyone, but it cannot be transferred. It is a personal peace given only by a personal God. The peace of God is the thing that c...
Welcome to soulsistertime where I write a weekly spiritual thought about something special God has shown me that week.