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Showing posts from March, 2019

Third Monday through Fourth Sunday In Lent

Third Monday in Lent : Ignorance Is Bliss I’m grateful for what I don’t know. God in His goodness keeps all knowledge to Himself. Even after Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, we still are blessed not to know some things. Jesus recognized that He could not tell the disciples all that He knew: “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now (John 16:12) and that it would be up to the Holy Spirit to fill us in.” (John 14:26) Jesus, on the other hand, fully knew what awaited Him in the garden and on the following day of unjust trials ending in His being put to death in the most shameful and inhumane way on the Roman cross. His prayers for another way were genuine and evidence of His full knowledge of what God had asked of Him. I’m grateful that God hides what He asks of me in a perfect way. As I re-witnessed Jesus walking the hardest part of His God-ordained journey, I became more grateful for mine. God did not tell me that I w...

Lenten Journey 2

Second Monday in Lent: Judging God The Sanhedrin wanted to judge Jesus. Actually, they had already judged Jesus all they lacked was the opportunity to carry out their judgment in His presence. They had one goal in mind and that was to take Him down. They didn’t want to do it during the Passover because of the people (Mark 14:2). The Sanhedrin was made up of the judging rulers of the nation of Israel. They were responsible for teaching the people what God wanted from them and for enforcing the law of God among the people who called Him Lord. Where did things get so out of hand that they were now determined to Judge God Himself? Do you ever get out of hand in judging God, rather than following Him? The Sanhedrin’s hearts had strayed from seeing God because they were stuck in their religious boxes. No one noticed how far away from God’s Words and God’s laws they had strayed. Only Jesus exposed that the things they taught were nothing but impossible burdens that would make absolute...

Lenten Devotions

First Monday in Lent: Lent—Winter/Spring I took a weekend Silent Lenten Retreat and learned how special the season of Lent (which means Spring) really is. Being in the lovely setting where winter-spring becomes its own season; I discovered that the transformation from winter to spring reveals the transformation of our souls in Lent. We had an absolutely gorgeous weekend to enjoy solitude with God. Lent is a perfect season to see in nature what God is drawing out of us through the spiritual disciplines we focus on through penitence and preparation for Easter. It is the in-between season that shows us a lot about what we are doing spiritually through our focus on confession. From a distance winter can seem stark and ugly. I feel the same way about confession. But if you take the time to see the winter you can see that the winter season reveals realities that get masked over by the growth of summer. In winter you become aware of what needs to be cleared away. In the same way the con...