The realities of Easter are so vast that it is impossible to fully comprehend the mystery and the depth of what God has done for the people He loves. Preparing for Easter through Lent is a spiritually enriching experience. Practicing Lent has both deepened my wonder for the Trinity’s passionate love for us humans and made me more aware of my utter inability to save myself. In John’s gospel, John the Baptist said of Jesus, "Look the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29b)! The sin of the world means the sin of the whole world, which means all sins committed since Adam and Eve took their first bites of the apple until the last sin that will be committed before Christ returns. The one Lamb of God—the one, once-and-for-all sacrifice—is so stunningly powerful that He can take it all away. He can diminish all the damage that has been done. All of it! He takes away not just my sins and your sins, but all of the sins of the entire world! How do we wrap o...
Welcome to soulsistertime where I write a weekly spiritual thought about something special God has shown me that week.