Psalm 51:13 says: Then I will teach transgressors your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you . What an outrageous thought—a person who just pled guilty to first degree murder, along with other noncriminal offenses such as deception, lust and adultery suddenly becomes qualified to teach others about sin! What more crazy, unpredictable, insane direction could Psalm 51 take us now? Seriously, shouldn’t David’s days of teaching sinners be the last thing he thought about after God confronted him with his sin? How did coming face to face with the reality of his sin bring him to the conclusion that he would be the person to teach other sinners about God’s ways? I heard JI Packer once explain that it’s not so much that people fall from faith, rather, it’s just that some people have not been deeply converted in the context of ...
Welcome to soulsistertime where I write a weekly spiritual thought about something special God has shown me that week.