Election seasons are always divisive for our country, but this election seems to be pitting Christians against Christians. Should all Christians vote the same way? Is there just one answer like on a college exam? I am praying that all Christians will vote. Is that a good prayer? Should all Christians vote? Are you sinning if you do not vote? Are you sinning if you vote prochoice? Are you sinning if you vote for someone who has moral failures? Can you vote if you refuse to vote for someone who moral issues? The place I go to find answers to these questions is the Scriptures. Our election invites us to deeper spirituality. We have to fight the natural urges to allow the media and heated discussions and accusations to disturb our souls. The best way to have peace about voting is to pray through your vote and read God’s word for His personal answer. That is where I go to make my decision....
Welcome to soulsistertime where I write a weekly spiritual thought about something special God has shown me that week.