In Psalm 34:8 the Psalmist tells us to taste and see that the Lord is good. Knowing the goodness of God intellectually is not enough. We are encouraged to use our senses to take in the fullness of the goodness of God. Our finite minds need help to experience the fullness of God. God’s goodness is far beyond man’s ability to reason. We will never comprehend God’s goodness without experiencing Him in a similar way that we taste and smell, touch and see. In the same way that our senses help us experience the realities in this world, so we develop spiritual senses beyond the capacity of our intellect to connect to the goodness of God. I experienced this in a big way during a week I spent ministering to women who live with little exposure to physical beauty. I was welcomed to their dark homes located near a large dump. Some homes retained the same overca...
Welcome to soulsistertime where I write a weekly spiritual thought about something special God has shown me that week.