Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful. If we wait until one time a year to think about what we are grateful for, we do a disservice to our souls. Each day God hides opportunities to know Him more. We have every reason to be grateful for every moment of every day. The worst day of my life will surely be the morning I awoke to find my husband unconscious in our home. Even on the worst day there was a long list of people and experiences of God’s love for which I could be grateful. I was immediately surrounded by half the staff of ministers with whom Brian worked. I only made one call to his assistant, and everyone came running to be by his side (and mine). I’m so grateful that in the midst of my shock my sister-in-law had the good sense to buy Rachel a flight and get her on her way—she arrived just aft...
Welcome to soulsistertime where I write a weekly spiritual thought about something special God has shown me that week.